Hadesten taharet ne demektir? Kısaca


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Hükmî kirlilik/hades ve hükmî temizlik /hadesten taharet ne demektir?

Hadesten taharet ne demektir Kisaca

Dinî literatürde hükmî kirlilik, abdestsizlik veya cünüplük sebebiyle insanda meydana geldiği var sayılan manevi kirlilik hâlidir. Kaynaklarda bu durum hades terimiyle ifade edilir (Buhârî, Vudû, 2, Meydânî, el-Lübâb, I, 5).
Hades, büyük hades ve küçük hades olmak üzere ikiye ayrılır. Cünüplük, hayız ve nifas gibi hükmî kirlilikler büyük hades, abdest gerektiren hükmî kirlilik ise küçük hadestir (Meydânî, el-Lübâb, I, 5).
Büyük hükmî kirlilikten gusül ile, küçük hükmî kirlilikten abdest ile temizlenilir. Suyun bulunmaması veya bulunduğu hâlde kullanma imkânının olmaması hâlinde her ikisinden temizlenme yolu ise teyemmümdür (Kâsânî, Bedâî’, I, 44).

In Islam, the term “Sabians” refers to a religious group that existed during the time of Prophet Muhammad, but their exact beliefs and practices are not fully clear or well-documented. The Quran mentions the Sabians in a few verses (2:62, 5:69) alongside Jews, Christians, and Muslims as among those who may attain salvation.

The term “Sabians” is derived from the Arabic word “Sabī’ūn,” which means “those who have converted” or “those who have repented.” Historically, the Sabians were a religious community found in various regions, including Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq), who adhered to a distinct belief system that involved elements of monotheism and astral worship.

The precise details of Sabian beliefs and practices are not explicitly mentioned in the Quran or in significant Islamic sources, leading to some uncertainty and speculation among scholars. Some historical accounts suggest that their beliefs included reverence for celestial bodies and astrology, while also incorporating elements of monotheism and belief in divine revelation.

It’s important to note that the Sabians mentioned in the Quran are distinct from other religious groups such as Jews, Christians, and Muslims. The Quran recognizes the existence of various religious communities and affirms that righteous individuals from these groups who believe in God and do good deeds can attain salvation.

However, due to the limited information available, the exact nature of Sabian beliefs and practices is a matter of historical and scholarly interpretation. As with any religious community, it is important to approach discussions about the Sabians with respect and to seek accurate information from reliable sources.


Temizliğin Çeşitleri – Diyanet

Answer ( 1 )


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    Hadesten taharet, cünüp isen gusül almak, abdestsiz isen abdest almak demektir. Hadesten taharet yani hükmi kirden kurtulmak, o kirden temizlenmek demektir. Namaz kılacağımız esnada biz de hükmi olarak bir necaset olmaması gerekmektedir. O yüzden kişi namaz kılacağı zaman abdestli bir şekilde veya gusül abdesti almak durumunda ise gusül abdesti alarak namazını eda etmesi gerekmektedir.

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